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they were the tombs for the Pharaohs

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Q: What role did the pyramids play in ancient Egypt?
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What role does the labourer have in ancient Egypt?

Their role was to construct the pyramids

What role did pyramid play in ancient Egypt?

they were the tombs for the Pharaohs

What do pyramids have to with Ancient Egypt?

One, seriously? You could have put a little more effort wording this question! But Pyramids were constructed as tombs or monuments for a Pharaoh, such as Khufu , who ordered construction of The Great Pyramid. ( a better way to word this question would be " What is the role of pyramids in Ancient Egypt, what were they used or made for?")

What Wonder of the Ancient World do some historians believe the ancient Hebrews might have had a role in building as slaves?

The wonders of the ancient world that one would find in Egypt are the Great Pyramids of Giza, which were built durig the century prior to 2500 BCE. Notice that date.Supposing that the ancient Hebrews really were slaves in Egypt they could not have arrived before about 1800 BCE, as they are portrayed in the Bible as leaving Egypt in 1440 BCE after a 400 year sojourn there. By the time of their arrival in Egypt, the pyramids were already quite ancient. No serious historian would believe the ancient Hebrews had any part in building the pyramids.In fact, the clear consensus of historians is that the Hebrew nation was never in Egypt, there was no Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible, and no conquest of Canaan. They say that the Israelites were actually rural Canaanites who left the region of the rich coastal cities and settled in the hitherto sparsely populated hinterland.

What role does the Egyptian government play in protecting the pyramids of Egypt?

The Egyptian government require that only a small number of people can dig for artifacts and work that their history can not be taken by others.

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submissive to males

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how did the growth of Egypt's play a role in the growth of slavery along the nile river

What role did the belief in gods play in Egyptians society?

The people in Ancient Egypt believed that everything that affected them and their lives was the result of a direct action of a god.

What was the role the Nile played in the death process of ancient Egypt?

the Nileplayed the part in the death proscess in ancient egypt by having the body washed in it

Who are pharaohs and what role did they play?

Pharaoh's were the rulers of Ancient Egypt. There were either one or two Pharaohs in Egypt. * Lower Egypt- Wore a red crown. Area between Memphis and nothwards towards the Nile Delta. * Upper Egypt- Wore a white crown. Area between Memphis and southwards to Thebes. * Upper and Lower Egypt- Wore both the red and white crown. Covered all of Egypt. The Pharaohs decided what they wanted to have built such as pyramids or temples. They chose how they cared for their people and their slaves.

What role to the pyramids play in modern Egyptian culture?

they don't really play a role because they don't exist in modern Egyptian culture.