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The people in ancient Egypt believed that everything that affected them and their lives was the result of a direct action of a god.

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Q: What role did the belief in gods play in Egyptians society?
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What did priest play in Mayan society?

The priests preformed rituals dedicated to the Mayan gods. The Mayan people believed that the priests were the only people that could communicate to the gods.

What did egyptians do on free time?

they played games such as senit

What did Egyptians play?

the egyptians might have played kickball but im not sure hahahaha

What role did religion play in Egypt during the Old Kingdom?

In the Old Kingdom, religion played a significant role in the lives of Egyptians. They believed in many gods and relied upon them for various reasons, from the success of harvests to childbirth.

What did ancient egyptians play for fun?

they played with each other

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What significance did medicine play in the egyptians society?

sorry i have no idea

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What did priest play in Mayan society?

The priests preformed rituals dedicated to the Mayan gods. The Mayan people believed that the priests were the only people that could communicate to the gods.

What role did gods play in sumer?

Gods were believed to live in the top of Ziggurat Temples and sumerians gave gifts of food, gold and livestock in exchange for the gods protection over Sumer. When people believe in more than one god it is called Polythesism, the belief in many gods or goddess's

What did egyptians do on free time?

they played games such as senit

What did Egyptians play?

the egyptians might have played kickball but im not sure hahahaha

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What is the entertainment of rich egyptians?

Egyptians like to play games in groups for entertainment. They likes to play dice, knuckle bones and checkers.

Who were the pharaohs and what role did they play?

The pharaoh was the high priest of all temples, the head of law and administration, and the commander of the army. The Egyptians believed pharaohs were great people that were half-man and half-god. Since only the pharaoh and priests were allowed to enter temples, Ancient Egyptians had to ask the pharaoh to speak to the gods for them. This made the pharaoh very powerful in the minds of regular Egyptians!

How did religion play a major role in everyday life of most native American cultures?

The Native Americans were aboriginal. Their beliefs were not "religious". They respected all things as equals, and this is why their society was sustainable. Their entire culture was diferent than the one you see today. This is why they were able to survive so long without worrying about running out of energy. Their belief was in spirits that guide them and not a competition of gods.

Why did the Egyptians play chess?

the same reason you play chess; for fun, entertainment

What role did human sacrifices play Aztecs society?

Human sacrifices were essential to Aztecs. They believed that the gods needed human blood to keep the world alive. They used captured enemies, who thought it was an hounour to die for the gods, they believed they were going straight to heaven.