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None, really. The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1787-1799) were events barely noticeable, as they happened to European powers England and France; as most of Latin America was within the sphere of influence of Spain and Portugal, these territories weren't affected by such conflicts.

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Q: What role did the French Revolution and American Revolution play in Latin American independence movements?
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What revolutions were influenced by the enlightenment?

The American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American independence movements were influenced by the Enlightenment. Ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy spread by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Voltaire inspired these revolutionary movements.

Why was American War of Independence important to French Revolution?

The American War of independence was important to the French Revolution because the Americans would not have won without the help of the French.

What did lord acton believed caused the french revolution?

he believed the american declaring independence was the cause.

What American document influenced the french revolution?

The Declaration of Independence.

What modeled off the American declaration of independence?

french revolution documents

What revolutions did the the enlightenment ideas influence?

The Enlightenment ideas influenced revolutions such as the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Latin American independence movements. These revolutions sought to overthrow oppressive monarchies, establish democratic governments, and promote principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

How were Latin American Independence Movements from the French Revolution?

None, really. The French Revolution (1787-1799) was barely noticeable, as it happened to France, and European power; as most of Latin America was within the sphere of influence of Spain and Portugal, these territories weren't affected by such conflict.

What events inspired independence movements in latin America?

Both the French Revolutions and the American Revolutions inspired this act. The Revolutions mostly inspired the Latin Americans to gain independence as both the revolutions are an act of independence.

Why did bolivar admire the American and french revolution?

They dreamed of winning their own independence

What was the difference between the results of the french and American revolutions?

they both had different causes of their revolution, also the outcome of the American revolution was Independence if i remember. The outcome of the french revolution was the end of taxation without representation and also the peoples independence from the monarchy. I'm not sure if that helps you, but i did my best lol

Difference of french revolution and America war independence?

The difference was that the American Revolution was conservative while the French Revolution wanted to completely change everyday society.

What political upheavals resulted from enlightenment ideas?

Some political upheavals that resulted from Enlightenment ideas include the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Latin American independence movements. These movements were inspired by principles such as individual rights, equality, and the rejection of absolute monarchy. They led to the establishment of new democratic governments and the overthrow of traditional authoritarian rule.