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They felt that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would lead to "a parade of horrible s

, " such as the drafting of women, the end of laws protecting homemakers, the end of husband's responsibility to provide for his family, and same-sex



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Q: What role did some women including phyllis schlafly oppose the equal rights amendment?
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Why did Phyllis schafly oppose the equal rights amendment?

Phyllis Schlafly was one of the most vocal opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment. She worked hard and long to convince people to vote against it. As such, she is an important part of the struggle to get the amendment passed, even though she was strongly opposed to it.

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No. I would not oppose an amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing Americans the right to marry someone of their own sex. I would, however, oppose an amendment that would ban same-sex marriage.

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well maybe so theU.S constitution will make a law so women can vote

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It would be a fairer proposition if the amendment also required extracts from the Koran, as well as the seven paths of Buddhism to be posted in schools. Arguably, anything less would be unethical in a multicultural society.