The spelling is HarAld Hardrada, the spelling may help you distinguish him from HarOld 2nd of England who's forces defeated and killed HarAld and was subsequently defeated and killed by the forces of Williiam the Conquerer.Harald Sigurdsson ( in Norse Haraldr Sigurðarson) was born sometime in 1015 and died 25 September 1066 at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in England. He became king of Norway in 1046 as Harald 3rd and became known Harald Hardrada ( stern or hard ruler), probably because of the many battles he fought against those against his assuming the throne. From 1048 to 1064 he was in almost constant battle against Denmark in an unsuccessful attempt to take the throne of Denmark. From around 1058 Harald also made claim to the throne of England. In 1066 he envaded England to defeat HarOld2nd and seize the throne. He had some intiall success but on 25 September he was defeated and killed in battle by Harold 2.Hardrada's role in English history is important because Harold 2's army tired themselves out making a 4 day forced march to Northern England to defeat him. While they were tiring themselves even more in battle, William landed in Southern England. Harold had to march his army back south immediatly to meet William at Hastings. William had spent the time waiting for Harold by choosing his ground and deploying his forces. By the time Harolds exhausted army arrived there was little time to propare for battle. It was a close battle til almost the end when Harold was killed, if Harold's army had not had to march all the way to Stamford, fight a battle, march all the way back and fight another battle in such a short period, William might have lost and not become king. But even if Haro;d had won, he might have had to turn around and go back north to fight other invaders from Norway or Denmark.
The Battle of Gate Fulford was a battle that took place prior to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. There were many casualties from the battle, but historically the victory has been claimed by the Vikings.
waatt role did he play
What role does the weather play in an Englishman's life
They didn't play no role at all! Surprisingly!
In the book, Harald Vanger is Cecilia Vanger's father that is against Jews. Cecilia and her dad do not talk because he questioned who she married, and he called her a whore because of her choice of marriage. He also talks to Isabella Vanger.
Harald Biong has written: 'The strategic role of the salesperson in established buyer-seller relationships' -- subject(s): Sales management, Sales personnel
role play means like the role they play like example john cena's role play is to be one of the good guys
What role does the periderms play in
Play a role has two meanings. To play a role in something can mean that you participated and influenced the outcome. It can also mean playing a character, or role, in a theatrical play.
The spelling is HarAld Hardrada, the spelling may help you distinguish him from HarOld 2nd of England who's forces defeated and killed HarAld and was subsequently defeated and killed by the forces of Williiam the Conquerer.Harald Sigurdsson ( in Norse Haraldr Sigurðarson) was born sometime in 1015 and died 25 September 1066 at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in England. He became king of Norway in 1046 as Harald 3rd and became known Harald Hardrada ( stern or hard ruler), probably because of the many battles he fought against those against his assuming the throne. From 1048 to 1064 he was in almost constant battle against Denmark in an unsuccessful attempt to take the throne of Denmark. From around 1058 Harald also made claim to the throne of England. In 1066 he envaded England to defeat HarOld2nd and seize the throne. He had some intiall success but on 25 September he was defeated and killed in battle by Harold 2.Hardrada's role in English history is important because Harold 2's army tired themselves out making a 4 day forced march to Northern England to defeat him. While they were tiring themselves even more in battle, William landed in Southern England. Harold had to march his army back south immediatly to meet William at Hastings. William had spent the time waiting for Harold by choosing his ground and deploying his forces. By the time Harolds exhausted army arrived there was little time to propare for battle. It was a close battle til almost the end when Harold was killed, if Harold's army had not had to march all the way to Stamford, fight a battle, march all the way back and fight another battle in such a short period, William might have lost and not become king. But even if Haro;d had won, he might have had to turn around and go back north to fight other invaders from Norway or Denmark.
all the above play a role
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team has a role to play!
The Battle of Gate Fulford was a battle that took place prior to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. There were many casualties from the battle, but historically the victory has been claimed by the Vikings.
waatt role did he play