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According to mercantilism, the colonies were required to engage in two general behaviors: (1) The colonies were locked into exclusive trade between the colonies and the metropole and were not allowed to trade with any other nation or colony. (2) No manufactures or complex goods could be made in the colonial territory. As a result the colonies would provide wealth to the metropole by trading their Natural Resources for less than they would be worth and by buying manufactures for much more money.

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In creating discord between British authorities and the colonists mercantilism stifled the colonists.

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What role did mercantilism play in founding of English colonies?

It helped civilizations gain wealth by how they judged it

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The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonists because it?

user-generated content: report abuse The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonists because it? they had tasted economic independence for too long of a period just to sink back to british mercantilism policies

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They began to smuggle goods into and out of the country

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because it was in favor of the British Mercantilism was the economic philosophy underlying early European colonial policy. The object of mercantilism was to increase the wealth of the Mother Country (England) in gold and silver.

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