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Q: What role did byzantine worship?
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What role did Christianity play in Byzantine society?

Christianity changed what people thought about the Byzantine society.

What rolde did icons play in the byzantine worship?

B.) they made religious experiences more intense. right for apex

What roles did icon played in byzantine worship?

They intensified the religious experience by helping worshipers feel closer to God.

Did religion play a role in the decline of byzantine?

No, as religion was what kept The Empire going.

What church played a major role on The Byzantine Empire?

The Eastern Orthodox Church

What role did the eastern orthodox church play in the Byzantine empire?

it affected daily life

What role did civil servants play in the Byzantine Empire?

the played as a servant or a body guard

What role did the eastern orthodox church play the byzantine empire?

it affected daily life

What is the role of the congregation?

a group of people gathered together to worship

What is the difference between orthodox and byzantine churches?

Some byzantine churches are Orthodox. And some Orthodox churches are byzantine. Other than that, there's no difference. There are Roman Catholic churches which follow the byzantine form of worship, since they ceased being Orthodox in the 1400-1700s but retained their liturgical practices. And there are plenty of Orthodox parishes which have never followed byzantine norms for worship (Russian, for example, or in some places, Western Rite, especially when an entire Anglican or Roman Catholic congregation has become Orthodox). If you hear someone generically refer to "THE Byzantine Church," they are probably referring generically to the Orthodox Church, giving credence to its roots in Greek thought, culture, and language.

What role did trade play in the success of Byzantine empire?

it helped make a win win for both sides

Why did emperor Leo 3 order all icons be removed from churches?

because byzantine thought icons led to idol worship that was forbidden from god