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Although US ground & air units would not reach France in numbers until mid-1918, the US entry into the "Great War" in April 1917 caused the German army leadership to accelerate it's plans to defeat Russia & then the French & British before US forces could arrive. This would cause a drain of German resources, yet the Russians would be defeated, in major part due to the collapse of the Czar's government. On the western front, German offensive action was more costly than the earlier defensive posture. At sea the Allies enjoyed superiority, and now with the US in the war, were more able to move supplies from the US to Europe, and from England to France. The U-boat threat remained, but it was diminished more and more after the US entry. In 1918 as US troops began arriving, overall morale among the allied troops was raised, and US troops were used to stop German advances. For Germany, following the defeat of Russia, there was a race on to get their troops from the Russian front to the western front before the American could concentrate forces in France. The Germans eventually lost this race. As the size of American forces grew, they were able to undertake offensive action. The Germans signed the Armistice in November 1918 before the full weight of American forces could be felt, and before a complete military defeat would be apparent.

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well in 1917 Fdr had sex with his mom

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Q: What role did US play in the Great War in 1917?
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