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tory. Truman was convinced that by standing up to the Soviets he had saved the world from another war and stopped the spread of communism. At home, he continued the New Deal programs of FDR (called the Fair Deal during his term) and made progress on Civil Rights by integrating the armed forc

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The US was at war with North Vietnam (informally-not with documents signed/declaration of war).

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Q: What role did US Congress play in the Vietnam War?
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What role did Vietnam War play in US history?

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Only two congressmen voted no to going to war with Vietnam.

What wars eas not declared by Congress but was started when the president sent troops?

The US Civil War (1861-1865) & the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

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It was the only role. Otherwise the US would have stayed out of it.

Did congress declare war in the Vietnam war?

WWII was the last time.

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John Smith is a common US name; he was a US Serviceman.

What was true about the end of Vietnam?

At the end of the Vietnam War, Congress refused to support South Vietnam any longer.

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All were officially neutral.