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Hamilton drafted the resolution that led to the assembling of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. At the convention Hamilton was unable to play a significant role. His desire for a strongly centralized federal government, including a president for life, was not shared by the other convention delegates, and his two fellow delegates from New York were Anti-Federalists who were able to outvote him on every measure. Hamilton then turned his energies to securing the ratification of the Constitution.

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Q: What role did Alexander Hamilton play in the Constitutional Convention?
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Who attended the constitutional convention and what role did they play?

George Washington was the presiding officer.

What role did Rufus King play in the Constitutional Convention?

There were many actions that Rufus King took to help the US Constitution. He was a Massachusetts delegate during the Continental Convention. He rallied for the support of colonies for the fight for independence. He also was one of the signers of the US Constitution.

What was Alexander Hamilton's role in the President's cabinet?

Alexander Hamilton's role in President Washington's administration was that of Secretary of the Treasury. This was one of the most powerful roles anyone could play in the administration and allowed Hamilton a primary role in authoring economic policies.

Did Alexander Hamilton play a role in the American Revolution?

No. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Five men from the Constitutional Convention were delegated as a committee to write it. In addition to Thomas Jefferson they were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, Roger Sherman.

What role did James Madison play at the constitutional convention?

James Madison wrote everyone said at the Constitutional Convention (Except for when Patrick Henry spoke, James Madison really thought that Patrick Henry just wanted to hear himself talk). He is sometimes referred to as the "Father of the Constitution". He also came up with some ideas. James Madison even showed up 11 days early at Philadelphia.

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Who attended the constitutional convention and what role did they play?

George Washington was the presiding officer.

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What role did George Washington play in constitutional convention?

In 1787 Washington's concerns about the disintegration of the nation prompted him to serve as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. He presided over the convention, and his support was key to ratification of the newly proposed Constitution.

What role did Washington play in the drafting of the U.S. constitution?

Thomas Jefferson

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Governor Morris wrote the Preamble to the Constitution.

What role did Rufus King play in the Constitutional Convention?

There were many actions that Rufus King took to help the US Constitution. He was a Massachusetts delegate during the Continental Convention. He rallied for the support of colonies for the fight for independence. He also was one of the signers of the US Constitution.

What was Alexander Hamilton's role in the President's cabinet?

Alexander Hamilton's role in President Washington's administration was that of Secretary of the Treasury. This was one of the most powerful roles anyone could play in the administration and allowed Hamilton a primary role in authoring economic policies.

What important role did Richard Dobbs Spaight have in the Constitution?

He was a delegate to the constitutional convention and signed the constitution. He did not play a major role in the convention however. His greatest constribution came afterwards. When North Carolina held a convention to consider ratifying the constitution they rejected it. It was largely through Spaight's influence that a second convention was held which finally ratified. Michael Montagne

Did the federalists papers play an essential role in ratification of the constitution?

They just showed the support of Alexander Hamilton, James Jay and others towards the constitution and federalism.

Did Alexander Hamilton play a role in the American Revolution?

No. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Five men from the Constitutional Convention were delegated as a committee to write it. In addition to Thomas Jefferson they were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston, Roger Sherman.

What role did John Adams play in the constitutional congress?

John Quincy Adams played no role in the convention. He was only 19 and finishing up his degree at Harvard when the convention began. His father would have been a delegate but was in Europe as minister to England.