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Alabama was among the first seven states to secede from the Union and was the home of the first Confederate capital which was at Montgomery.

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Q: What role did Alabama play in establishing the Confederate States of America?
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Where were the Confederate States of America met to form a new country?

The first capital of the Confederate States of America was in Montgomery, Alabama.

What were three states that were a part of the confederate states of America?

Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama

What city was the Confederate States of America formed?

The provisional government for the Confederate States of America was formed at Montgomery, Alabama on February 4, 1861.

What two confederate states begin with the letter A?

Alabama and Arkansas declared their secession from the United States and joined the Confederate States of America.

What states formed the confederate states of America?

February 22, 1861 in Montgomery , Alabama

Who were the original members of the Confederate states of America?

The orginal states of the Confederate States were South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. These states seceded from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America in February 1861.

Where was the first capital of confederacy?

The first capital of the confederate states of America was Montgomery, Alabama.

What are three states that were part of the confederate states of America?

Texas, Florida, and Alabama. There are more too.

What was the capital of the conferderacy?

Montgomery, Alabama was the first capital of the Confederate States of America.

What was the of states in the confederate of America?

The southern states:South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, loisiana, and Texas seceeded from the union and went to Montgomery, Alabama and formed the confederate states of America. They elected Jefferson Davis as the president

Who were the Confederate States of America and the United States of America in 1860?

Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Virginia