

What river valley did France and Britain both seek to control?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Ohio River Valley

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Q: What river valley did France and Britain both seek to control?
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Britain and France fought for control of?

They fought for the Mississippi River.

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What river valley did both countries seek to control?

France and Germany both regularly fought over control of the Rhineland. The Rhineland was the valley surrounding the Rhine river and had several natural resources.

Where and did the French and Indian War began?

The French and Indian war took place in The Ohio River Valley in 1753. France and Britain were fighting over The Ohio River Valley. The Native Americans decided to side with the French at first, but after Britain started winning battles, the Native Americans decided to side with Britain. Later, Britain won the war.

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In 1763, a treaty was signed by France, Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain called Treaty of Paris. France gave up Canada and its claims from Mississippi river to Britain.

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Ohio river valley

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st.lawrence river valley

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The French and Indian War also known as the nine years war.

Who wanted control over the river valley?

Ohio River Valley

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Ohio River Valley

Why did king George forbid colonist from settling in the Ohio river valley after it was gained by Britain from France?

the british army could not protect settlers from native americans