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Mexico claimed that the Nueces River was the boundary between the two nations while the US maintained that the Rio Grande was the boundary. As clear boundary definitions were never established, some skirmishes occurred on this no-man's land, resulting in American blood shed, and used as casus belli by President Polk to start the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

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14y ago

Mexico recognized the Nueces River as the southern border of Texas, because that had been the southern boundary of the Province of Texas when it was an undisputed part of Mexico.

The US, accepting claims made by Texas before it was annexed to the US, claimed the Rio Grande del Norte (now called the Rio Grand) as the southern border of Texas.

The Nueces is about 150 miles north of the Rio Grand.

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13y ago

The US claimed it was the Rio Grande and Mexico claimed it was the Neuces.

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13y ago

The United States claimed the Rio Grande river as the border between Texas and Mexico.

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15y ago

Nueces River and Rio Grande River.

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14y ago

The Nueces River

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The Neuces River.

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8y ago

The Rio Grande River qualifies as such.

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Q: What river caused a dispute between Mexico the US?
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What land did Kennedy give to Mexico?

None. He just settled a dispute between the United States and Mexico regarding the Chamizal strip (on the US-Mexico borderm between Juarez and El Paso, TX), which was caused by a shift in the Rio Grande River since 1852. It was eventually returned to Mexico in 1963. Although no direct payments were made between both countries' governments, the US government was compensated by a Mexican private bank for 382 structures included in the transfer.

What is the border between mexico and texas?

The Rio Grande ( Rio means river in spanish) is the border between Mexico and Texas.

What dispute between the US and Mexico led to War?

After the Texas Annexation (when America admitted Texas into the Union as the 28th state), America claimed that Mexico was trespassing onto American soil. America claimed that the border between Mexico and The United States was the Rio Grande River. However, Mexico said it was the Nueces River. Many people believe that America claimed that the border was the Rio Grande River so they could easily acquire more land from Mexico.

The dispute which started the Mexican war?

Several answers are available:Treaty or treaties of Velasco.A treaty based on a river border that few had seen or even seen mapped.A small US Army Cavalry Patrol bumping into a major Mexican encampment in disputed territory.A shot being fired and a war beginning ,

What physical feature forms part of the border between the US and mexico?

The Rio Grande river, also known as Rio Bravo in Mexico.

Related questions

What land did Kennedy give to Mexico?

None. He just settled a dispute between the United States and Mexico regarding the Chamizal strip (on the US-Mexico borderm between Juarez and El Paso, TX), which was caused by a shift in the Rio Grande River since 1852. It was eventually returned to Mexico in 1963. Although no direct payments were made between both countries' governments, the US government was compensated by a Mexican private bank for 382 structures included in the transfer.

What river did Mexico claims was the border between Texas and Mexico?

Which river did Mexico claim was the border between Texas and Mexico

Which river is border between mexico and texas?

The Rio Grande river flows between Texas and Mexico.

What border dispute the war with Mexico?

After the Texas Annexation (when America admitted Texas into the Union as the 28th state), America claimed that Mexico was trespassing onto American soil. America claimed that the border between Mexico and The United States was the Rio Grande River. However, Mexico said it was the Nueces River. Many people believe that America claimed that the border was the Rio Grande River so they could easily acquire more land from Mexico.

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the use of the euphtates river

What river forms a river between Texas and Mexico?


What was the southern border river that Texas claimed?

Texas claimed that it's southern border was the Rio Grande River, Mexico claimed that it was the Nueces River. President James K Polk ordered troops placed between the two rivers. The U.S. inherited Texas' border dispute with Mexico after it annexed Texas and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state.

Texas claimed that its southern border was the what river?

Texas claimed that it's southern border was the Rio Grande River, Mexico claimed that it was the Nueces River. President James K Polk ordered troops placed between the two rivers. The U.S. inherited Texas' border dispute with Mexico after it annexed Texas and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state.

What caused the land between the appalachian mountains and mississippi river and from the great lakes to the gulf of mexico to be placed under british control?

Proclamation of 1763

What caused the land between the Appalachian mountain and Mississippi river from the great lakes to the gulf of Mexico to be placed under british control?

Proclamation of 1763

What is rio grande river is between?

It is between Texas and Mexico.

Which river did the US claim the border between Texas and Mexico?

well I don't know that but it was I'm sorry IS the river ________ that is the border between Arizona and New Mexico