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Spartan Women overall had a lot more rights, rather then the Athenian Women. The Spartan women could sell property, own small businesses, chat with other men (whom they are not related too), wear shorter dresses, and go around the city by themselves. The only thing they couldn't do was hold office, and vote. The reason why they could do all of these things is, because in Sparta the woman didn't spend as much time with their husband since they were always training for the next war. Rather then the Athenian men, they had much more time to socialize so they mentored the woman a lot more.

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7y ago
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12y ago

Sparta was solely a military-oriented Greek city-state. The women were expected to experience similar training as to that of the men, to defend Sparta if was necessary.

Source-- Honors Social Studies student.

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6y ago

Athenian women were kept in purdah in the home raising children and working in the yard raising food, getting out only for an occasional women's religious festival. Spartan women raised families, but also participated in sports and ceremonies as did their menfolk.

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9y ago

Spartan women certainly had way more rights than Athens women, but the same is not true for slaves. Sparta made (more than Athens) a very clear and telling distinction between superior beings (such as they themselves) and inferior beings such as conquered communities and slaves. It so happened that if you were born a healthy Spartan - be it male or female - you belonged to the superior beings with all the liberties and powers that entailed. As a slave, you didn't have any rights.

Moreover, in Spartan society where men were either constantly in training for battle or away fighting, So Spartan women were needed to run the estates and generally take care of any business.

In Athens there was no such martial tradition for men. Consequently men took care of business themselves and women were kept in women's quarters in the house. Slaves on the other hand were not so much seen as inferior beings in Athens and although most of them just had to work hard, some could rise to positions of trust and responsibility.

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Q: What rights held by women in Sparta that women in Athens didn't have?
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Is woman and men raised for toughness a characteristic of Athens Sparta or both?

In Sparta both. In Athens, the men, with the women confined in the home doing domestic tasks.

Did women in ancient Greece fight in war?

In Sparta extensive rights. In Athens, they were virtual slaves, working on the farm, bearing and raising children, getting out only for the odd women's religious festival.

What sort of people were the Ancient Greeks?

It depends what part of Greece you are talking about. In Sparta, the citizens only believed in war and making the army stronger. In Athens, they cared about democracy, and the voice of the people. But women in Sparta were treated better than in Athens.

Would you rather have lived in Athens or Sparta?

This depends entirely on who you are - women were far better off in Sparta as opposed to Athenian women who were housekeepers and child-rearers; Sparta had serfs who were mostly free on their own farms, Athens had slaves; Spartan citizens lived for military service, supported by the serfs, Athenian citizens had to work at a job and also do military service. Take your pick.

What did ancient Greeks think of women?

Women were treated differently in different regions and poles (city states), though always considered inferior to men. In Athens they were very limited, and women of nobility were basically just emprisonned in their houses. Ordinary women were allowed to go outside to fetch water from public springs. In Sparta women were honored because they gave birth to new soldiers for the polis, and had several rights Athenian women did not have, they could own private property for example, and were usually managing everything cause their men folk were always off to war. SO it depends on the region and the polis.

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Who gave women the most freedom Athens or Sparta?

Well in Sparta, women didnt have much rights but had more freedom than women in Athens so you can say Sparta

How were the roles of women different in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens women had no rights. In Sparta women had lots of rights

Was life in Sparta and Athens similar?

daily life wasnt similar because women in Athenian women didnt have as many rights as Spartan women

What rights did women in Athens and Sparta have?


Was daily life similar in Athens and Sparta?

daily life wasnt similar because women in Athenian women didnt have as many rights as Spartan women

Did women have very few rights in Sparta or Athens?

Very few in Athens.

Contrast the lives of women at Sparta and Athens?

Women in Sparta had more freedom and equality compared to women in Athens. In Sparta, women received physical education, could own property, and participate in public life. Meanwhile, in Athens, women had limited rights, were primarily responsible for household duties, and had no political rights.

Did women have more rights in either of the city-states Sparta or Athens?

The women of Sparta had rights, participating in sports and open lifestyle, compared with Athenian women who were kept in purdah in the home rearing children and working in the house and garden.

What was the social status of women in Sparta and in Athens?

The social status of women in Sparta were to produce healthy sons for the army. The social status of women in Athens women had no share in public life.

Do women in Sparta have more freedom than the women in Athens?

Yes, women in Sparta had more freedom and rights compared to women in Athens. Spartan women were allowed to participate in sports, own property, and have more independence in society, whereas Athenian women had limited rights and were expected to primarily manage the household.

Did Athens have a better education?

No , Sparta did... Sparta women were able to learn what they want to learn they had alot of rights, on the other hand Athens (Girls) Only learned Household duites

What were the disadvantages for the Athens boys?

I dont know what boys were but women had no rights in Athens and in Sparta they did.