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They would have to listen to order the ruler of the manor had. One of them was not to get out of the manor without permission. Another one was to stay in their own land

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Q: What rights did the peasants have?
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Polish peasants treated in the eighteen century?

Eighteen century peasants in Poland were poor and had very few rights if any at all. European powers such as Prussia, Russia and France entered Poland and abused the peasant populations. This was true for most European peasants for several hundred years.

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Holocaust-murdering of Jews African American slaves king John of England had to sign Magna Carta so that peasants could have rights.

What is an example of chivalry from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

The scene where King Arthur being mocked by the peasants about government satirises the feudal system (medieval government system) and the peasants also democracy and human rights.

How did the black plague change things?

After the black plague many of the peasants were killed. This meant that they were in a higher demand so after the plague peasants got more rights because they were fewer.

Why did national assembly lose th support of many french peasants?

it taxed the bourgeoisie made peasants and nobleman equal it adopted a declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen and it took away the catholic church's lands and independence

What did Charlemagne do to help the peasants?

Charlemagne implemented agricultural reforms to improve farming practices, built infrastructure such as roads and bridges to aid in transportation of goods, and instituted a legal system to protect the rights of peasants. He also encouraged education and promoted the spread of Christianity, which brought social stability and unity to the peasants.

Did the people in the middle ages have to ask the lord for permission to leave the country or to marry?

Yes but only if these people were peasants in the middle ages, they had to ask the lord who, if they could marry or can the leave the country. Peasants had no rights!! They were also very poor.