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Empress Theodora encouraged her husband to give woman more rights. She wanted women to be able to own land. Hope this helped!

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Q: What rights did Empress Theodora convince and encourage her husband to give women?
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What is empress Theodora?

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Why is Theodora important?

Empress Theodora was the wife of Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire. Arguably the most influential woman in Byzantine history she is, like her husband, considered a Saint by the Orthodox church and commemorated on Nov 14. A full discussion of her life and works would be beyond the scope of this forum

Why Theodora important?

Empress Theodora was the wife of Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire. Arguably the most influential woman in Byzantine history she is, like her husband, considered a Saint by the Orthodox church and commemorated on Nov 14. A full discussion of her life and works would be beyond the scope of this forum

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What was Empress Theodora remembered for?

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