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Q: What right did the English nobles gain when King John signed the Magna Carta?
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What document was singed in 1215 that had to do with the king?


Which monarch was on the throne when the magna carta was released?

The English monarch that signed the Magna Carta was King John.

Which document did King John sign which reduced the power of the monarchy in England?

The first document to reduce the powers of the English monarchs was the Magna Carta, or Great Charter in English, signed in 1215 by King John.

What document did the English nobles made King John sign?

the Magna Carta

Was the magna carta a contract between king john and the english nobles?


When did the nobles force William the Conqueror to sign the Magna C arta?

The didn't. King John signed the magna carta in 1215.

The famous English document 1215?

The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15th June 1215.

Which document protected English nobles' privileges and authority?

The Magna Carta was the document that represented a written guarantee of the rights and privileges.

The document that demanded rights for nobles and limited the power of the monarch was the .?

That very important historical document is known as the "Magna Carta".

What did English Nobles force him to do in 1215?

they forced the king of England to sign the Magna Carta

What did Joan of Arc have to do with the Magna Carta?

nothing. The Magna Carta was signed about two centuries before she was born. It was English while she was French.

How did the Magna Carta change the way England was ruled?

The Magna Carta restricted the power of the King and his Nobles. It made the King subject to the law. Before the Magna Carta, the King was above the law, and thus could do whatever he wanted. Even stuff that was illegal for the common English citizen and serf.I hope I answered your question. :D