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Q: What resources did Jamestown need in order to grow tobacco to supply the demand for it in Europe?
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After the founding of Jamestown the demand for tobacco in England?


How did tobacco farming settlement at Jamestown?

It increased the demand for labor.~apex

Did tobacco farming change settlement at Jamestown?

It increased the demand for labor.~apex

How did tobacco farming change settlement in Jamestown?

It increased the demand for labor.~apex

What was the cash crop of Jamestown and what did this create a demand for?

The cash crop of Jamestown was tobacco ( I am not sure ) I don't know the 2nd part.

Which development was a result of tobacco becoming a successful crop in Jamestown?

The cultivation of tobacco increased as the market demand for this new product sky rocketed in Europe. The other result was that new plantations were created at the expense of Native American owned land.

How did tobacco farming change settlements at Jamestown?

It increased the demand for labor.~apex

When Jamestown was founded did the demand for tobacco in England increase or decrease?

Jamestown was founded in 1607 with 104 men sent to make a profit for the investors who sent them. Tobacco didn't show up until John Rolfe introduced it to the colony in 1610. Without tobacco the colony would have probably failed, but tobacco saved it because demand was so high. Not only was it used as snuff, being smoked, and with pipes but Jamestown used it as currency. It was grown in any space that could be found including the streets.

What crash crop saved Jamestown?

Jamestown was founded in 1607 by the London Company in England and became the first successful English settlement in the New World. In the first years of the settlement, things were difficult for the colonists. However, after a few years tobacco became the cash crop of the area and provided Jamestown with an economic base in which to support themselves.

How does modern Europe meet the demand for energy resources?

By its own energy production as well as through trade.

Which product leads to a High demand in Jamestown?


What crop is most responsible to the early growth of slavery?

The crop most responsible for the early growth of slavery in the United States was tobacco. The demand for tobacco in Europe and the Americas led to the expansion of plantations in the Southern colonies, which were heavily reliant on enslaved labor for cultivation.