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Q: What required that imports from other countries and their colonies pass through Britain and be carried to America on British ships?
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Besides Great Britain France and Spain what other countries established colonies in North America in the 1600s?

France, Britain, Denmark-Norway, and the Netherlands had colonies in North America along with Spain. Other countries, such as Russia and Portugal, claimed territory in North America but never established settlements.

What are the names of 3 countries who claimed land in North America?

Spain (Florida and Texas) , Russia (Alaska), Britain (NE Colonies)

Why did Britain raise taxes in America colonies?

Britain Raised taxes on the America colonies because the the French & Indian war left them deeply in debt. The war had profited the colonies so Britain felt they should share in the cost.

Where do Spain France and Britain have colonies in north America?

north america

What country colonized most of Latin America?

The countries of the Middle East were colonies of a number of countries. The most were colonies of Britain, however, there were some other colonies of Portugal, Russia, the Netherlands, and France.

What countries in north America were involved in owning colonies?

Great Britain, Spain, France, Germany, Poland/Lithuania, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, and Russia.

What were some prior names for the us?

The US was first the colonies of Britain, then the 13 colonies, then it was America, then the United States of America.

Why do most of the English-speaking countries in Latin America are a parliamentary democracy?

Because most of them are still being colonies of Great Britain (the named parliamentary democracy).

Which European countries started the colonies in north America?

Britain, France and Spain were the first countries to colonize in the New World. Spain was the first, since it was the most powerful European country, adn it colonized Mexico and the West. France's colonies were farther north, in what is now Canada. Britain was last to colonize and it had the 13 bristish colonies split in three colonies: New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.

What A different between government in Britain and government in colonies America was that the colonies?

were not represented in the british parliament

What geographically separated Great Britain from 13 British Colonies?

The Atlantic Ocean separates Great Britain from America and the thirteen British colonies

What European countries had colonies in South America in the 17th century?

Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, France, and Great Britain all held colonies in South America during the 17th century. Germany had the colony of Klein-Venedig (Little Venice) in the 16th century, which is located in what is now Venezuela.