

What replaced slavery?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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share-crop-- it was hell for both black and poor whites--it was better in Texas--everybody starved or went to the towns for work and oil jobs later in the century?

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What institution replaced the system of indentured serventude?

Slavery replaced the system of indentured servitude in many parts of the world, including the American colonies. Slavery involved the forced labor of individuals for the benefit of their owners, without the promise of eventual freedom.

What role did the Missouri Compromise play in the dispute over slavery?

The Missouri Compromise temporarily solved a dispute over slavery by keeping the number of slave and free states equal. It was later replaced by the Compromise of 1850.

Was the Kansas Nebraska act proslavery?

You could call it pro-slavery. It replaced the various compromises, and simply put the slavery question to the vote in each territory waiting to be admitted to the Union. This was meant to appease the South, in order to keep them onside.

Was the Kansas Nebraska act antislavery?

You could call it pro-slavery. It replaced the various compromises, and simply put the slavery question to the vote in each territory waiting to be admitted to the Union. This was meant to appease the South, in order to keep them onside.

Was the kansas-nebraska act proslavery or antislavery?

You could call it pro-slavery. It replaced the various compromises, and simply put the slavery question to the vote in each territory waiting to be admitted to the Union. This was meant to appease the South, in order to keep them onside.

Was the kansa-nebraska act proslavery or antislavery?

You could call it pro-slavery. It replaced the various compromises, and simply put the slavery question to the vote in each territory waiting to be admitted to the Union. This was meant to appease the South, in order to keep them onside.

What law was replaced by allowing popular sovereignty?

retained the power to replace the legislative with a new legislative

Why did African slavery replace native American slavery on the encomienda system?

African slavery replaced Native American slavery in the encomienda system primarily due to the devastating impact of diseases brought by Europeans on the native populations, making them less able to withstand forced labor. Additionally, African slaves were less likely to escape due to their unfamiliarity with the landscape and were seen as more profitable due to being perceived as being physically stronger.

How do you use abolished in a sentence?

this is one of the sentences that i have used with abolished in it "Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia" its just like using the synonym of the word you just replaced it with abolished.One of Abraham Lincoln's plans was to abolish slavery.