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What religious organization was the reformers of the Protestant Reformation protesting against

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Q: What religious organization was the reformers of the Protestant Reformation protesting against?
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Why is the reformation called the protestant reformation?

The Protestant Reformation is called Protestant because it meant pro-Testimony, back to the Bible and not protest.Roman Catholic AnswerBecause protestant is what resulted from the "reformers" protesting the Church. Unfortunately they did not get "back to the Bible", as a matter of fact, they mutilated the Bible by throwing whole books out of it, and mistranslating it.

How did the printing press help spread the Protestant Reformation?

It allowed people throughout Europe to read the works of Protestant reformers.

What religious organization was the reformers of the Protestant Reformatino prostesting against?

Roman Catholicism

Why did the term protestants become well-known for the early reformers?

Protestant has the same word root as protest, so they took the name Protestant because they were protesting against the Catholic church

What did not change in the Roman Catholic Church after the Reformation?

If you are referring to the Protestant Reformation, the only things that changed were the suppression of some of the wrongs that priests (and bishops) were practicing and that the reformers were complaining about. The official teaching of the Church remained the same.

What caused the Counter-Reformation?

Counter Reformation 16th-century reformation that arose largely in answer to the Protestant Reformation; sometimes called the Catholic Reformation. Although the Roman Catholic reformers shared the Protestants' revulsion at the corrupt conditions in the church, there was present none of the tradition breaking that characterized Protestantism. The Counter Reformation was led by conservative forces whose aim was both to reform the church and to secure the its traditions against the innovations of Protestant theology and against the more liberalizing effects of the Renaissance.

What caused the counter reformation?

Counter Reformation 16th-century reformation that arose largely in answer to the Protestant Reformation; sometimes called the Catholic Reformation. Although the Roman Catholic reformers shared the Protestants' revulsion at the corrupt conditions in the church, there was present none of the tradition breaking that characterized Protestantism. The Counter Reformation was led by conservative forces whose aim was both to reform the church and to secure the its traditions against the innovations of Protestant theology and against the more liberalizing effects of the Renaissance.

The Protestant Reformation divided the western church into what two groups?

The Roman Catholics and the Reformers (Protestants). Reformers is the preferred title because it emphasized that their agenda was positive, to restore the church to Biblical practices, not merely a negative protest, but Protestants is the common term.

Did it have effect In effect the Counter Reformation and Council of Trent asserted the idea that reformers such as Martin Luther were incorrect.?

Yes, the Counter Reformation and the Council of Trent were major efforts by the Catholic Church to respond to the Protestant Reformation. They reaffirmed core Catholic beliefs, clarified doctrine, and established new practices to combat Protestant teachings. This led to a revitalization of the Catholic Church and solidified its position in Europe.

What role did noblewomen play in Reformation?

They protected reformers.

What are some current effects of the Protestant Reformation?

The most important effect is that reformers ,ie Luther and Calvin, taught that Christians have an open and direct communication with God that does not require a human conduit, (priest)

Who was the Protestant iconoclasm of the Renaissance period heavily influenced by?

the reformation