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AnswerChristianity was the main one, but there were also Jews, Muslims, and more. AnswerTo add to that Roman Catholicism was the main religion during the middle ages, whereas Christian protestants, Jews, Muslims and any others were scarce because there was a threat of torture for the crime of heresy (enforced by Henry II). Jews and Muslims were usually from Israel and many fled to England to escape prosecution and to reform. They were forced to live a Christian life, hiding their true faith from those that were on the lookout for heretics. Many Spaniards fled from their country in fear of prosecution under a Catholic King at the time. AnswerChristianity, throughout much or most of Europe in the Middle Ages; Judaism, though in smaller numbers; Islam, especially in North Africa and Spain and, in the Late Middle Ages, the Balkans; Paganism, especially very early Middle Ages and in northern and eastern Europe. There were also other religions, most memorable of which to English speaking people might be the last remnant of Druidism, who were converted in the Early Middle Ages.

Christianity divided into the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches during the High Middle Ages, but there were also other churches, such as the Coptic Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and, in the Early Middle Ages, the Celtic Church. A tendency toward Protestantism was evident in the Late Middle Ages, and there were important heretical groups, most notably the Cathars, against whom the church conducted the Albigensian Crusade.

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11y ago
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17y ago

The Medieval Times, or Middle Ages, stretches from a time period of about 800 A.D.-1400 A.D. Religious practices varied across the different regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The various religions during this time period are much the same as they are today. In Europe we see the development of Christianity, in its Protestant and Catholic forms. Judaism was still being practiced, but had taken a "back seat" to the rise of Christianity. Buddhism and Hinduism were already being practiced in Asia. The northern tip of Africa was a mix of different religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim.

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16y ago

During the middle ages, Christianity had already become wide-spead throughout Europe and Islam. Hinduism were the main religions of the Asian region. In countries such as Australia, some of the Indonesian islands etc. there were still beliefs similar to those from ancient civilizations.

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14y ago

Only the Catholic church.


There was certainly the Catholic Church. In the early times there were probably Celtic Christian churches in England, and it is not really known how long these lasted, since that church was gradually absorbed by the Catholic Church. There were certainly Jews in England. There were pagans, at least in the early times, and possibly later. There were Christians of various heterodox or heretical sects, and especially there were Lollards, who were considered heretics by the Catholic Church and were the object of much political interest in the Late Middle Ages.

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13y ago

Throughout most of Europe, the predominant religion for most of the Middle Ages was Christianity. During the Early Middle Ages, this was the Catholic Church, as led by the pope, but issues over leadership resulted in schisms throughout the time in which the Greek speaking world followed a Patriarch of Constantinople who would not submit to the pope. These became permanent with East-West Schism in 1054, resulting in the Roman Catholic Church dominating in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East.

There were always other groups within the Christian faith. Some of these were orthodox, such as the Celtic Orthodox Church, which was absorbed into Roman Catholicism after the Council of Whitby, and the Oriental Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox Churches, which were always separate and remain to this day. Others, such as the Albigensian were heterodox or heretic.

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, much of Europe was pagan, but these were converted in time, for the most part.

Islam arose during the Middle Ages, and became important for a variety of reasons. Muslims lived in Spain in great numbers during much of the Middle Ages, and they were also in Sicily, Southern Italy, and the Balkans. And, of course, they controlled most of the Middle East and North Africa.

Much of Europe had Jewish communities, and there were large numbers of Jews in Spain through most of the Middle Ages. They also lived in France, Italy, England, and the Holy Roman Empire.
Catholic , William Conqueror Is A Don

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15y ago

All of Europe was Catholic. The Catholic Church was the foundation of the government and religion. It told Kings and Queens what to do as well as everyone else.

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