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Q: What religion was Robert the Bruce?
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Is Robert Bruce the dad of Robert the Bruce?

Yes, Robert The Bruce Was In-fact Named After His Father.

Why is Robert the Bruce called the Bruce?

robert the bruce was an achoo numptyy!

When did Robert A. Bruce die?

Robert A. Bruce died in 2004.

What is the birth name of Robert Bruce Baird?

Robert Bruce Baird's birth name is Robert Bruce Baird.

Where did Robert the Bruce die?

Robert the Bruce died on 1329

When was Robert A. Bruce born?

Robert A. Bruce was born in 1916.

Does the Bruce in Robert the Bruce have a meaning?

It is his family Robert of house bruce. Further up his family tree they would have been called Robert de bruce

What is Robert the Bruce's mum called?

Robert the Bruce's mum was named Marjorie

When was Robert Bruce - entertainer - born?

Robert Bruce - entertainer - was born in 1970.

When was Robert the Bruce born?

Robert the Bruce was born on July 11, 1274.

When did Robert the Bruce get crowned?

Robert the Bruce was crowned King of Scotland in 1306.

Who did Robert the Bruce rebel against?

Robert the Bruce rebelled against Edward I