

What religion does Taiwan have?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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13y ago

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Taiwan is a free country. The residents are free to choose which ever religion they wish to practice. There is high tolerance for many different religions to be practiced side by side. Major religions Buddhism, Taoism, folk religion makes up about 93% of total religious population. There is about 4.5% Christians, and 2.5% other religions.

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Q: What religion does Taiwan have?
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What does Taiwan have?

Taiwan is a free country. The residents are free to choose which ever religion they wish to practice. There is high tolerance for many different religions to be practiced side by side. Major religions Buddhism, Taoism, folk religion makes up about 93% of total religious population. There is about 4.5% Christians, and 2.5% other religions.

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yes, because if you want to practice any religion they want they can it shouldn't matter if you are christian and you want to practice jewish. so yes it is free to practice any religion the want!!

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There are no 'holy' people in Buddhism. Many people in Taiwan practise a syncretic religion of which Buddhist practice only forms a small part. However, in recent times Tibetan Buddhism has been gaining popularity.

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The major religion in Taiwan is a mix of Buddhism, Taoism, and traditional Chinese folk religions. About one-third of the population identifies as either Buddhist or Taoist, while many people also practice a combination of these beliefs alongside folk traditions.

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The currency of Taiwan is "New Taiwan Dollars or NTD".

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The Taiwan Strait (Pacific Ocean). Taiwan Strait