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Q: What religion did the Celtic warrior follow?
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What is a Ceinah?

A female Irish warrior and a celtic is a male Irish warrior

What religion is the Celtic cross from?

What I think the religion of the Celtic cross came from is probably the Pagan Druidic religion.

What name means sea warrior in Celtic?

There's actually no such language as "Celtic". Celtic refers to a group of dozens of languages, six of which are spoken today:BretonCornishIrish GaelicManxScottish GaelicWelsh

What religion was boudiccia?

Boudicca was a Celtic queen and warrior queen of the Iceni tribe in ancient Britain. She likely practiced Celtic pagan beliefs, which involved reverence for nature, rituals, and deities associated with the natural world.

What religious traditions did the Picts follow?

The original Picts followed a religion similar to Celtic Polytheism. They later converted to Christianity.

What was Boudicca's job description?

Was a British Celtic warrior queen

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celtic warrior

What is the Celtic term for warrior?

There's actually no such language as "Celtic". Celtic refers to a group of dozens of languages, six of which are spoken today:BretonCornishIrish GaelicManxScottish GaelicWelsh

What is the word for warrior in Celtic?

There's actually no such language as "Celtic". Celtic refers to a group of dozens of languages, six of which are spoken today:BretonCornishIrish GaelicManxScottish GaelicWelsh

What does the Celtic warrior ring stand for?

The Celtic warrior ring is a symbol of strength, courage, and protection. It often features intricate designs inspired by Celtic art and mythology, representing the warrior spirit and connection to one's heritage. It is believed to bring luck and offer a sense of empowerment to the wearer.

What does the name Ki mean?

KI means mystic warrior 'allegedly' in Celtic which is Irish and Kai is man of flowers in Celtic that's about it

When the Celtic religion was practiced?

Celtic religions were practiced until the various Celtic peoples were Christianised in the early centuries A.D.