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Q: What region of the United States was first to industrialize?
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Who was the first region to industrialize?

Region A-apex

What is the first region of the world to industrialize?

my thought: England

What was the First region industrialized?

The first region to industrialize following the American Revolution was the state of Massachusetts. A textile mill was built and industrialized in this region.

Which states in the US was the first state to industrialize?

Utah as the first state

Is the US a industrialized country?

Yes, the United States was one of the first countries to industrialize and it is perhaps the most technologically advanced country today.

Where was the first industrial area located in the United States?

The first industrial areas located in the United States were in the Northeastern States, generally alongside major rivers and railroads.

Was the great plains the first region of the united states?

To the extent the question has any meaning at all, no.

Which nations industrialize first and why?

Belgium was the first to industrialize. It was rich in iron and coal and had good waterways.

Who were the First settlers to Atlantic Canada?

The Atlantic region of Canada, just like the United States was the first region of the country to be explored and settled. The first settlers were First Nations people and then explorers from France.

Who named WA?

Hassium was named for a region in Germany.

First name of the first lady of the United States?

The first lady of the United States first name is Michelle.

What industry was the first to industrialize Europe?
