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America does not know really why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor but there are two theories. One of the theories was that the Japanese need more living space for their country. Japan only has four main pieces of land which are islands, so they are very small and did not hold all the people that were living there. The other reason was that the Japanese was in need of oil and they thought Pearl Harbor had a large amount of it. they bombed pearl harbor because the u.s stop sending supplies.

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The Japanese intended to neutralise the us fleet so that they could not interfere with military actions the Japanese were planning against the western territories in south East Asia.It was also intended to protect the advance into Malaya which was significant as it contained the resources such as oil and rubber.It was also an unexpected move for the Japanese as it was thought that they didn't have the capacity to mount another naval operation.Also the increasing Japanese aggression in the east had lead to tension between japan and the united states.

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Q: What reasons led to the empire of japan to bomb pearl harbor?
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