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Q: What reasons are given by Gans to explain the decline in voter participation?
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What is the economic theory given for the fall of the Indus valley?

A decline in trade is the economic theory given for the fall of the Indus Valley civilization.

What is the economic theory given for the fall of the Indus Valley civilization?

A decline in trade is the economic theory given for the fall of the Indus Valley civilization.

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If you look at what Return on Assets is comprised of, Net Profit Margin and the Total Asset Turnover, if the firm is having a very slow turnover, the ROA will be declining if the turnover is greater in magnitude to the NPM.

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By explaining when being asked to explain you should give in all the details of the question or topic which is given by a teacher/lecture.

Who was given the nickname the man who wrote the constitution for his participation in the fine-uning and polishing of the final draft of the constitution?

James Madison

Are general anaesthesia given alone?

maybe but for safety reasons in major surgery they are not given alone

Which of the following symptoms of communications breakdowns reflects a decline in information?

The question is incomplete. There are no options given (for "which of the following") to answer this question.