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Almost exclusivly caucasian, though if you want to be more specific, most Jews murdered there were slavic.

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Q: What races were killed at triblanka death camp?
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Did Jeannine Burk go to a death camp?

no Jeannine did not go to a death camp. she was a hidden child. but her father went to a death comp, and was killed.

What did death marches do to the Jews?

Death marches transported Jews from concentration camp to concentration camp as the Allies neared.

Why was Auschwitz called a death camp?

1.2 million jews was killed

Why is Auschwitz such a notorious death camp?

because it was the the camp that killed the most makes it very popular.

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They were taking her to a Nazi death camp or a Concentration Camp were she and her father would be most likely killed.

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6,000 People including Jews and people of other races were killed in the Janowska Concentration Camp.

What are all the ways they killed people at treblinka death camp?

shooting them and gas chambers

What large concentration camp killed nearly 6000 people a day?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp had the average death rate of 7313 People daily. Sometimes 24,000 were killed daily.

How did the children live in the death camp?

They did not survive they were killed only the teenagers survived for work, only the ones strong enough. The elderly were killed in gas chambers and ovens or were starved to death. Or another otion to death was to be killed by a machine gun. :( :( :( :(

How did they kill the people at the Auschwitz death camp?

One wayy they killed people is gas chambers

Who was kept at the death camps?

Jews, criminals, homosexuals, gypsies, little people, the mentally ill and many others were imprisoned and killed in concentration camps. Only a few able-bodied people were kept at death camps, so as to do all of the work required at a death camp. Everyone else taken to a death camp was killed.