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Many questions were asked, but all of them assumed that the accused were guilty. Most often they were asked why they hurt the afflicted.

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Many question were asked and we do not have records of all off them. They have one thing in common: all of them were only relevant if the accused was guilty.

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Q: What questions were accused people asked in the Salem trials?
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Were 142 people accused in the Salem witch trials?


What starts the Salem witch trials?

It was started by the people who were accused

Who was Reverend Parris in the Salem witch trials?

the person who accused a people

What allegedly started the Salem witch trials?

It was started by the people who were accused

Who was accused of being a witch in the Salem Witch trials?

Countless people.

How many people died in the Salam Witch Trials?

The Salem witchcraft trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. 140 were accused, 20 were killed.

What is the percentage of innocent people in Salem witch trials?

It is estimated that around 200 people were accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, with 20 individuals being executed. This means that about 90% of those accused were innocent of the crimes they were charged with.

Were there any accused Witches in the Salem Witch Trials that didn't go to jail or get hung?

Yes. People accused later in the trials were not jailed when accused because people didn't believe the accusations as quickly. Some, like John Alden, left Salem before they could be sent to prison.

Why were most of the accused people in the Salem witch trials women?

Mainly because of revenge and jealousy

What happened to John Proctor after the Salem Witch Trials?

John Proctor was accused and hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

How many people were accused of witch craft in the Salem witch trials?

Around 160 were formally complained about.

Who was the first accused witch in the Salem witch trials?
