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The losers of World War 2, like Germany and Ottoman Empire (Turkey) were smashed into pieces by their enemies at the end of the war. Germany was divide into Eastern and Western Germany through Berlin Wall and Ottoman Empire was collapsed into several smaller Islamic countries.

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They were gassed, shot, sent to concentration camps, death camps

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what punishments were given to the jews in ww2

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Q: What punishments were given to Jews in world war 2?
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The non-Jews who aided the escape of Jews from Germany in World War 2 are called "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial society.

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You need to specify the region or country.

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No direct connection, though there are stories of Jews who risked their life to light a Hanukkah-menorah despite the Nazis' hatred and punishments of anything Jewish.

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No, the Jews were not a side in World War 2. The Jews collectively were not combattants.

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world war 2 kid, think about it, Jews, lots and lots of Jews...

Jews died in World War 2?

about 6 million Jews died in all world war 2.

Was there any justice for the Jews after World War 2?

There was a lot of sentiment for Jews after World War 2. Israel was created for Zionist Jews as a result.

What was anti-senitism in World War 2?

Hatred for Jews

What was the population of Jews After World War 2?

Immediately after World War 2 there were an estimated 12 million Jews worldwide.

What race of people had more deaths in world war 2?

Jews. Hitler hated Jews. 6 million Jews died in world war two.