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"Pulled apart" is probably a too strong expression for the events at the time. Until the death of Emperor Frederick II in 1250, the Holy Roman Empire had a fairly strong central Government and Emperors who could be said to really 'rule' over the princes in their Realm. After 1250 ( and the extinction of the powerful Hohenstaufen imperial dynasty) there was an interregnumperiod in which no candidate for Emperor could get himself appointed to the throne. The local princes used this situation to establish themselves as practically sovereign rulers, and the most powerful established themselves as Kurfürsten (Elector Princes) with the exclusive power to elect every future Emperor. In 1273 they finally settled on Rudolf I of Hapsburg. Rudolf during his reign mostly concentrated on consolidating and expanding his own territories and did not seriously try to re-impose imperial authority on the other princes in the Empire. So after the 13th century the Holy Roman Empire had effectively changed from a centrally ruled State to a federation of near-sovereign States with an Emperor who only directly ruled over his own lands.

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Q: What pulled apart the Holy Roman Empire between the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries western civilization?
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Which country was the center of the golden age of medieval judaism between the tenth and thirteenth centuries?

The country was Spain.

What are the differences between the Ancient civilization and the Medieval European civilization?

more advanced understandings of how life works

Contribution of Arabia in Philippines civilization?

The years between the seventh and thirteenth centuries mark a period in history when culture and learning flourished in North Africa, Asia, Southern Europe, and the Middle East. When one sets aside the vagaries of politics, intrigue, mistrust, and suspicion which have plagues Man's history, one finds that the Arab world continue to spin out the thread of earliest recorded civilization. It enhanced and developed the arts and sciences and preserved the libraries of the early centuries of the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine cultures. Indeed, during the Dark Ages of Europe, much learning was preserved for the world through the Arab libraries in the universities of Morocco (Fez), Mali (Timbuktu) and Egypt (al-Azhar). From this period of Arab influence, new words such as orange, sugar, coffee, sofa, satin, and algebra filtered into the languages of Europe and eventually into our own. New discoveries were made in the sciences and arts which improved the life and condition of Man, and thousands of Arab contributions have become an integral part of human civilization.

What is the region in mesopotamia where the first civilization developed?

The region between the Tigris and Euphrates River is where the first civilization developed.

How many centuries passed between Rome's first persecution of christians and empire wide persecution?

Approximately three centuries

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