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tallmadge amendment

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Q: What prohibited the further importation of slaves into the missiouri after its admission as a state?
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How did the Monroe doctrine impact Europe's colonization in the western hemisphere?

Further European colonization of the Americas was prohibited.

When did the foreign slave trade end in the us?

In 1808, the law forbidding the foreign slave trade that had been signed into law by Thomas Jefferson in 1807, went into effect. A stipulation in the constitution that prohibited the end of the trade until 1808, prohibited acting on this for another year. The new laws were somewhat loosely enforced with Britain â??deportingâ?? slaves into the United States until 1860 and it remaining a viable trade in Britain in the 19th century.

How does federal gun act of 1968 prohibit brescia 6.35 handgun?

PART of the 1968 GCA stopped the further importation of "cheap foreign pistols". In some cases, this was defined by size, weight, or the material they were made from. BTW, it also banned several high dollar Walther automatics.

How did the Founding Fathers agree not to interfere with the slave trade for at least 20 years?

Emily, Slavery was already a touchy issue, even then. Antislavery interests would have liked to cut off the slave trade but the slave interests, both the southern states which depended on slave labor and those northern shippers who carried the slaves, wanted to continue the trade. So the framers of the constitution just said that nothing would be done about it for they pushed it safely in to the future so that somebody else would have to deal with it but they would not have to. Michael Montagne

The state admitted to the union on the condition that in the future slavery was prohibited in the area of the Louisiana purchase north of the line was?

Missouri - admitted to the Union as a slave-state, on condtion that there would be no further slave-states to the North of the parallel marked by its Southern border.

Related questions

The prohibited the further importation of slaves into Missouri after its admission as a state.?

The Tallmadge Amendment prohibited the further importation of slaves into Missouri after its admission as a state.

How did the Monroe doctrine impact Europe's colonization in the western hemisphere?

Further European colonization of the Americas was prohibited.

Why Importation of organisms is it bad?

Importation of organisms can be bad because it can introduce invasive species to new environments, where they can outcompete native species, disrupt ecosystems, and cause harm to agriculture. These invasive species can also spread diseases that may not be native to the area, leading to further negative impacts on the environment and economy.

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The requirements for admission to Harvard University may vary. You can visit the website for admission information. Please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Links.

Who committed the first crime?

Eve, when she took the apple and that act was prohibited. She committed a prohibited act with the knowledge that it was prohibited. For further information see the related link below.

Can 8th std student get admission in a university to continue his further studies?

yes, but it would be hard to that.

Can anyone suggest you which is the best institution and what its admission procedure?

please visit for further details

What was the purpose of the Asian exclusion laws?

The Asian exclusion laws prohibited any further immigration from china and japan

When did the foreign slave trade end in the us?

In 1808, the law forbidding the foreign slave trade that had been signed into law by Thomas Jefferson in 1807, went into effect. A stipulation in the constitution that prohibited the end of the trade until 1808, prohibited acting on this for another year. The new laws were somewhat loosely enforced with Britain â??deportingâ?? slaves into the United States until 1860 and it remaining a viable trade in Britain in the 19th century.

Is the 50 Barrett rifle legal in Ohio?

Yes. .50 BMG rifles are legal in Ohio. The only state which has banned their further sale, transfer, or importation so far is California.

Can you get admission in Jamia Islamia Madina I'm 30 years old and want to get further study?

To find out more about this university in Saudi Arabia, you should go to their website and apply. I would assume that if you are qualified, you can gain admission.

During the post-Revolutionary period most of the states passed laws forbidding the further importation of slaves.?

In 1807, laws were passed forbidding the importation of slaves to the United States. Based on English law ending the transatlantic slave trade, laws were only loosely enforced and slaves were not freed in the United States until the end of the American Civil War.