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Q: What professions do the members of the upper class hold?
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What is the Mayan lower class and upper class?

The Mayan lower classes are the farmers and the slaves.While the upper classes consists of the king,then the priest,there are two others that I don't know.The Mayan upper class are the kings,which hold the highest position in society.Then there are the priests and the warriors and merchants were part of the upper class.The lower class held the farmers and slaves.

Why can't a narcissist handle an independent woman who speaks her mind?

Because it threatens their hold over you - they have to have the "upper hand" Because it threatens their hold over you - they have to have the "upper hand"

Caesar's family had patrician roots who were the patricians?

A patrician was the upper-class land owner of ancient Rome. When Caesar was first born laws limited political office to only the patrician class. Later though the lower class or the plebeians were granted the right to perform sacrifice thus allowing them to hold office as a consul, senator or tribune.

What is a job of a working class man would hold?


Could members of medieval guilds hold public office?

The question of whether guild members could hold public office was very largely dependent on the place where the person lived. There was not much uniformity of laws in the Middle Ages, and where one city might be ruled by nobility, there were others that were governed by people of the middle class, and there were a few that were governed by clergy. In the medieval communes and certain other cities, it was possible that a guild or group of guilds actually controlled the government, and that guild membership was required to be able to participate in the town or city legislature.

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What is the difference in lifestyles between those in the British upper-middle-class and the middle-class?

The British upper-middle class typically have higher incomes and enjoy greater access to cultural and social privileges such as exclusive clubs and private education. They may also have more opportunities for international travel and leisure activities. In contrast, the middle class may have a more modest lifestyle with less discretionary income for luxury goods and experiences.

Where did the upper class people hold feasts?

they hold feasts in their homes kk

What is the Mayan lower class and upper class?

The Mayan lower classes are the farmers and the slaves.While the upper classes consists of the king,then the priest,there are two others that I don't know.The Mayan upper class are the kings,which hold the highest position in society.Then there are the priests and the warriors and merchants were part of the upper class.The lower class held the farmers and slaves.

Why do you think upper-class Latin America favored governments run by caudillos?

I think that the upper-class favored this because they were able to hold on to power because thet were backed by the military.

What is the upper class of Latin American society called?

The upper class of Latin American society is often referred to as the elite or the wealthy elite. They typically hold significant economic and social power and often come from generations of privilege.

What form of capitalism taken hold in modern china?

The capitalism that has taken hold in China is very elite centered. The upper-middle class is booming, but the poor of China are still suffering.

In which social class are you most likely to find mid-level managers and professionals?

Mid-level managers and professionals are most likely to be found in the upper-middle class. This social class typically includes individuals who have achieved a higher level of education, earn above-average incomes, and hold positions of authority and responsibility in their careers.

What is Christine Tan cnbc religion?

It is the belief that Christine, with her lovely upper-class english accent, can hold out against a tide of caterwauling American babes!

What was like likelihood that you would survive if you were on the titanic when it sank?

It would depend on what class you were on the ship. The people in steerage had zero chance to live. They were locked into the hold of the ship. Moderate class had a better chance, but they would be last on a lifeboat. The upper class had the advantages in this case.

Daniel Rosside's model of a class system?

According to John Witt on page 218 of his 2009 edition of Soc, a college sociology textbook, "Sociologist Daniel Rossides (1997) uses a five-class model to describe the class system of the United States: the upper class, the upper-middle class, the lower-middle class, the working class, and the lower class. Although the lines spearating social classes in his model are not as sharp as the divisions between castes, members of the five classes differ significantly in ways other than just income level. Rossides categorizes about 1-2 percent of the people of the United States as upper class, a group limited to the very wealthy. These people associate in exclusive clubs and social circles. In contrast, the lower class, consisting of approximately 20-25 percent of the population, disproportionately consists of Blacks, Hispanics, single mothers with dependent children, and people who cannot find regular work or must make do with low-paying work. This class lacks both wealth and income and is too weak politically to exercise significant power. Sandwiched between the upper and lower classes in this model are the upper-middle class, the lower-middle class, and the working class. The upper-middle class, numbering about 10-15 percent of the population, is composed of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and architects. They participate extensively in politics and take leardership roles in voluntary associations. The lower-middle class, which accounts for approximately 30-35 percent of the population, includes less affluent professionals (sucha as elementary school teachers and nurses), owners of small businesses, and a sizable number of clerical workers. While not all members of this varied class hold a college degree, they share the goal of sending their children to college. Rossides describes the working class-about 40-45 percent of the population- as people who hold regular manual or blue-collar jobs. certain members of this class, such as electricians, may have higher incomes than people in the lower-middle class. yet even if they have achieved some degree of economic security, they tend to identify with manual workers and their long history of involvement in the labor movement of the United States. OF the five classes, the working class is declining noticeably in size. In the U.S. econcomy of today, service and technical jobs are replacing those invovled in the actual manufacturing or transportation of goods." Peace and Aloha ke Akua!

How many people does a virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 hold?

From the print i see on the website i make it 451 seats, including Economy, Premium Economy and Upper Class. This is the website i used:

6 Where do members of the House of Representatives hold their meetings?

members of the house of representatives hold there meeting and the house of chambers