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Q: What problems did the traders have with the old route to the Spice Islands?
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The explorer who found the sea route to the Spice Islands was who?

Ferdinand Magellan

The name of the famous route that spice and silk traders once took from Eastern Europe to India and China was what?

The Silk Road

Portfrom witch Magellan sailed on September 20 1519?

He was looking for a faster route to the spice islands

How did Magellan's discovery change the maps of the world?

because he found a shorter and faster route to get to the spice islands

What was Magellan's planned destination?

His aim was to find a western route from Portugal to the spice islands of Indonesia

What problems did Magellans crew face on the trip around the world?

Magellan died in battle April 27th, 1521 in the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines in the midle of his voyage to find a westward route to the Spice Islands.

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The "spice islands" east of India.

What was the name of the famous route that spice and silk traders once took from Eastern Europe to India and China?

Horse Isle Quiz answer: Silk Road

What was Columbus's primary goal in his search for a direct water route to Asia?

t find the spice islands in the east indies

What were Ferdinand Magellan's sponsors seeking to gain?

Magellan's sponsors wanted new land and a faster route to the spice islands

What was magellen looking for?

Ferdinand Magellan was looking for a western route to the Spice Islands (Moluccas) when he embarked on his expedition in 1519. He hoped to find a way to reach the valuable spice trade by sailing west instead of the traditional eastward route around Africa.

How did the Portuguese control the spice?

They discovered the Southern Route to the Indian ocean, via Cape Hope, established trading enclaves at Indian Ocean Ports like Macau, and enforced their trade monopoly with Cannon, Ships, and Fortifications. They were tough, able, Mariners and Traders and they broke the Spice Monopoly belonging to the Arab Traders before them.