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This is a very broad question because there were many Celtic peoples and they lived in a vast part of Western Europe.

The Romans fought the Gauls of Gallia Cisalpina (northern Italy) at the Battle of Telamon in Etruria in 225 BC because they overrun Etruria and probably wanted to march on Rome. The Romans won and begun the invasion of Gallia Cisalpina. They conquered the last remaining Gallic kingdom there in 192 BC.

Julius Caesar conquered Gaul (Gallia Cisalpina) which covered France, Belgium, Holland south of the river Rhine and Germany west of the Rhine, in the Gallic Wars (58-50 BC). Caesar started these wars because of concerns that migrations into eastern Gaul could threaten the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis (in southern Gaul). Most historians agree that he wanted to boost his political standing and to pay his large debts with the spoils of war. It took him eight year to break fierce Gaul resistance.

The Celtiberians of the Iberia Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) gave the Romans a very hard time. They resisted Roman expansion into inner Spain for 170 years. They fought the First Celtiberian War (181 to 179 BC) the Second Celtiberian War (154-152 BC) the Numantine War (143-133 BC) the Third Celtiberian War (99-81 BC)and the Cantabrian and Asturian Wars (29-19 BC) against the Romans.

The Celts of the Alpine region were conquered in the 1st century AD. The Celts of Pannonia (eastern Austria, western Hungary and parts of Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and western Slovakia) were conquered in 9 BC by the generals Tiberius and Germanicus because they had joined the Great Illyrian Revolt which broke out just to their south. The ancient Roman historian Suetonius said that suppressing the revolt in Illyria was most difficult conflict faced by Rome since the Punic Wars two centuries earlier. Rhaetia eastern and central Switzerland, part of southern Germany, eastern Austria, and part of Lombardy, in Italy) was conquered because the emperor Augustus wanted extend the frontiers of the empire and control the Alpine region to shield Italy from possible attacks form the north. Publius Silius Nerva conducted an expedition against these Celts in 16 BC. A better campaign led by Tiberius and Drusus led to the conquest of the area in 15 AD. The Celts of Noricum (most of Austria and part of Slovenia) were defeated in 16 BC by Publius Silius when they joined the Pannonians in an attack into north-western Italy. They were allowed to be a client kingdom until the emperor Claudius annexed it to the empire.

The conquest of southern England in 46 AD was easy. The Britons had had trading and diplomatic relations with the Romans for quite sometimes and some of their kings were Roman allies. The Romans intervened because a Briton king had been expelled. The contest of northern England by Agricola in 78 BC was also easy. The conquest of Wales, started in 48 was more difficult. It took 30 years to complete it. The Picts of the Highlands of Scotland were never conquered. The Romans reached this area, but withdrew back to England and built Hadrian's Wall. They pushed into the Lowlands and built the Antonine Wall between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clyde, but they withdrew to Hadrian' Wall.

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When were the Celts invaded by the Romans?

The Celts and the Romans had a verry big fight knowone knows except the Celts and the Romans by Leo rackauskas

Where did the Romans and Celts fight?

The Romans and the Celts fought in Hadrians Wall.

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Who invided the Celts?

the Romans

Who did the Celts fight?

The Romans

Who were the Celts to the Romans?

To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.To the Romans the Celts were simply the group of people who lived to the north of them. Remember the Celts were not a nation, they were an ethnic group such as the Slavs, Mongols, Norse, etc.

What happened when Celts died?

actually the celts did not die , instead they now live with romans . some celts died due to a war between the romans and the celts . now some people like celtic music and clothes

Who were the enemies of the Romans in Britain?

The Celts.

Did the Celts have education?

no an neither did romans

What language the Celts and Romans speak?

The Celts primarily spoke Celtic languages, such as Gaulish, Brythonic, and Goidelic. The Romans spoke Latin.

Who won the fight out of the Celts and Romans?

nobody sorta won it but the celts stripped naked and painted theirselvles blue and chased the romans away

What do the Romans and Celts have in common?

Well apart from the obvious answer, that Romans were from Italy and Celts were from northern Europe, like the British Isles and Ireland, the way they organised is totally different too. Celts were tribal but Romans followed a system of government not unlike some governments today.