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One of Christopher Columbus's main problems he didn't understand the size of the world and went the wrong way. He went west to go east. He was also a very greedy, mean man. He cheated his own sailors out of the promised reward for spotting land. He stated he saw a light the night before and therefore he was the first to spot land and kept the reward. He cut off the hands of the natives he found because they didn't bring him enough gold. Finally, he did NOT discover America. He found Hispaniola and thought it was India until the day he died.

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9y ago
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10y ago

On problem Christopher Columbus faced was sickness. He faced harsh weather, as well as violent people who did not know who he was or what he was about.

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13y ago

christopher Columbus faced challenges like being in a hail storm and a wave storm too. he used people as slaves not blacks europeaons and spanish.

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Starvation, treachery, rough waters, and dehidration.

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11y ago

the santa maria crashed so he had to go back to Spain on the nina

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14y ago

He faced Mutiny

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Q: What problems did Christopher Columbus face on his journey to the Indies?
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