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Q: What problems and obstacles did francisco vasquez de coronado have to overcome?
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he work really hard and never gave up

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The immediate problems were defeating the German obstacles and mines on the beaches, and the German guns firing down the beaches, especially at Omaha.

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cause he doesnt have enough money

What problems did Francisco Coronado face?

Francisco Coronado faced challenges such as harsh desert conditions, lack of sufficient provisions for his expedition, resistance from Native American tribes, and the failure to find the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. Additionally, he struggled with communication and coordination within his expedition party.

What are obstacles and struggles?

Obstacles are challenges or barriers that prevent progress or success. Struggles refer to difficulties or hardships that individuals may face while trying to overcome obstacles. Both obstacles and struggles require perseverance and determination to navigate and overcome.

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she faced poorness of father, and she had to go to a white school because black people didn't have educataion.

What are the biggest problems Francisco Pizarro had to overcome?

Some of the biggest problems Francisco Pizarro had to overcome included navigating through unfamiliar and hostile territories in South America, managing a small army against much larger indigenous forces, and dealing with internal disputes within his own expedition. Additionally, he faced challenges in establishing control over the Inca Empire and maintaining his power in the region.

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A resourceful person is someone who can figure things out on their own. They find a way to make things work. They find solutions to problems using imaginative methods. They are able to use resources at their disposal to help them solve problems or overcome obstacles.

How effective in World War 2 was the allied strategic bombardment?

The allied strategic bombardment was mostly successful and they sometimes ran into some humdinger entanglements and problems. They were well known for their ingenuity to solve problems, rescue people and overcome obstacles, like hedgerows.