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The Bill of Rights did a couple of things for Americans. For one, it was demanded by many of the delegates who attended the Continental Congress because after so many years of life under the rule of the English Crown, obeying every whim of the king, the newly liberated Americans did not want their new government to become too powerful, so they demanded some basic rights before they would agree to ratify the Constitution. Another way it helped Americans is that it fixed some of the problems that they could not agree on during the initial drafting of the constitution.

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Q: What problem did the bill of rights solve for Americans?
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What problem was the bill of rights written to solve?

it ws made so people could use dem as saving them for it

What are the bill of writes?

It's the Bill of Rights. It's a bill in the U.S saying the rights of Americans.

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The Bill of Rights and other amendments protect the rights of all Americans.

What did Americans demand before ratifying the new government?

Bill of Rights

Why is the Bill of Rights necessary?

Every item in the Bill of Rights describes a severe problem for the American Colonists between 1763 and 1776. It was necessary to give congress a list of restrictions. Americans believe in restricting the power of their government.

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All Americans.

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it meant their rights would be protected

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The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

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Bill of Rights.