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Q: What problem caused the defeat of the Americans in battle of Germantown?
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Which of these problems caused consideable confusion in the battle of germantown resulting in the defeat of the Americans?

The unexpected resistance of a 120 men British units, barricaded in a large stone house in Germantown, held up the advance of the American reserve. Then two other American attacking column, confused by heavy fog and smoke, fired one against the other. Both units were taken by panic, broke out and the battle was lost.

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The battle of Wounded Knee was caused by the United States government. They were forcing Native Americans from their land and making them move to reservations.

Which issue most caused Native Americans to battle European settlers?

loss of land

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the Americans pored tea in the riveractually that is not true the Americans dumping the tea into the Boston harbor left the result of the Boston tea party not the battle of Yorktown.

What caused the battle of fort ticnderoga?

Assuming you mean Ticonderoga, Americans captured it to strip the fort of its artillery for the siege of Boston.

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The bombing of Fort Sumter caused the battle!

What battle in American history caused the most deaths of American citizens? Thats a good list but those arent all Americans. The most American casulites was the Battle of the Bulge

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slavery caused the battle Shiloh also Tennessee started it

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the battle at bunker hill was caused because of the unfair taxes

What came first the battle of Lexington and Concord or the battle of Trenton?

Both battles occurred on April 19, 1775: first the Battle of Lexington (a British victory) and then the Battle of Concord (an American victory). Both battles were mainly caused by the Boston Massacre. Some people think the Americans attacked at Lexington for revenge. The Americans started retreating toward Concord, where they met reinforcements and were able to overpower the British soldiers.

What battle against vietnan was consider a big setback for the Us and a turning point in the war?

The Battle of Starlight

What caused the battle of plains of Abraham?

What caused "The Battle of the Plains of Abraham" is the French had good lnd that the British wanted.