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Q: What prayer were the people singing at Auschwitz in the book night?
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What prayer were the people saying in the night book?

The Kaddish , the prayer for the dead.

What prayer were the people saying in the book night?

The Kaddish , the prayer for the dead.

Why do people choose Christianity?

Because they belive in god and they prayer every night.

Why was the prayer the people were saying in the book night unusual?

The prayer that people were saying in the book "Night" is unusual because it is a prayer for the dead, recited by those facing imminent death in the gas chambers. It reflects the extreme circumstances they were in and their desperate need for comfort and connection to their faith in the face of such horror.

When was A Grand Night for Singing created?

A Grand Night for Singing was created in 1993.

What is Auschwitz Birkenau in the book Night?

Auschwitz-Birkenau is a concentration camp where Elie Wiesel, the author of "Night", and his father were imprisoned during the Holocaust. It was one of the most notorious Nazi death camps, where millions of Jews and other prisoners were systematically murdered. The brutal conditions and atrocities witnessed at Auschwitz-Birkenau are a central focus of the book.

What was the slogan for Auschwitz in the novel night?

work is liberty.

What was happening to the women at Auschwitz in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

They were being killed.

What is going to happen to the prisoners at Auschwitz in night by Elie Wiesel?

they gunna burn

To what station were the deportees brought in night?

The deportees were brought to various train stations depending on their location and destination, but one notable station was Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland, where a significant number of deportees were sent during the night.

What is the final destination of the cattle wagon in book Night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the final destination of the cattle wagon carrying Elie and his fellow prisoners is Auschwitz, a concentration and extermination camp in Poland.

What was life like for enslaved people?

it was fun, what do you think they sat up all night singing songs and dancing stupid