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The powers that Congress had under the New Jersey plan that they did not have under the Articles of Confederation is that every state could only pass one vote, and could not pass votes off the population, for every state did not have the same population and therefor it would not be a fair voting.

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Q: What powers would congress have under the new jersey plan that they did not have under the articles of confederation?
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What powers would congress have New Jersey plan that it did not have under the articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What did powers did congress have under articles of confederation?

pass laws

What powers did the Articles of Confederation granted congress?


What are three problems with the Articles of Confederation?

The three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were that it limited the powers of Congress and preserved the powers of the states, Congress had little economic power, and the new confederation government was weak since there was no president to carry out the laws.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey Plan that it did not have under the Articles of Confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What powers would congress have under the New Jersey plan that it did not have under articles of confederation?

They could set taxes and regulate trade power.

What best describes the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The powers of congress were weak

Why was the Confederation Congress too weak?

The Confederation Congress became the legislative branch of government established by the Articles of Confederation. It was too weak because it had insufficient powers to enforce the laws that were passed.

What power would congress have under the New Jersey plan that they did not have under the articles of confederation?

The powers that Congress had under the New Jersey plan that they did not have under the Articles of Confederation is that every state could only pass one vote, and could not pass votes off the population, for every state did not have the same population and therefor it would not be a fair voting.

What was not one of the powers of the Congress set up by the articles of confederation?

the power to collect taxes -novanet

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of what body?

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of the central government, known as the Confederation Congress. This central government had limited authority and could not levy taxes or regulate trade, among other limitations.

What weakness of the articles of confederation made enforcing the laws of congress impossible?

under the articles there was only a unicomeral legislature so that there was no seperation of powers.