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This all boils down to the Communist East vs. Capitalist West subject that had been forming since 1917 with the dawn of the Bolshevik revolution and the advent of the Soviet Union. In prewar time, the Germans had a deal with the Russians: The Russians would manufacture weapons and machines of war for Germany, and the German's would train Russian officers. (you won't find that in a high school textbook, I had to dig for that!) After the war, Russia wanted revenge, so Germany ended up looking like a giant pizza, cut multiple ways. While Berlin was deep in East Bloc territory, but was still divided between France, Britain, the U.S., and the USSR. With the rise of nuclear arms, tensions ran extremely high, and nuclear war seemed iminent, particularly around the Cuban Missle Crisis. Russia began adding sattelite nations to its influence, getting as far as halfway around the world in Cuba, Korea, and Vietnam.

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Q: What post-war issues caused the western aliies and the Soviet Union to disagree?
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In the World War 2 who were our allies?

USA, Great Britain, and France, Poland, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the Union of South Africa and Yugoslavia were all the countrys on the aliies side

What was the potsdam conference and why was it not successful?

The postdam conference was between the Aliies and USSR (on July 1945) . Discussing the German question, and how should Germany be treated. However, it did not end successfully because the allies (mainly the USA) and the USSR disagreed upon how the German government & economy and politics should be handled and set up. the USSR wanted Germany to have a communist government and planned economy, while the USSR had the opposite. So, the conference ended with no agreement, only further hostility. Also they discussed the issue of attacking Japan.

How did America react to the Berlin Wall?

President Truman responded to the blockade by sending planeloads of much-needed supplies to West Berlin. For more information on the Berlin Airlift consult the online Truman Library and Museum by following the link to the left.

What caused the US to declare war on Germany?

The United States new after Nazi Germany took over France that they would have to be invloved in the war, Great Britain would be alone with no help. Great Britain resisted the invasion and also succeeded. Also after Pearl Harbor the U.S declared war on Japan and its Aliies.

How many soldiers died at the Battle of Waterloo?

French Casualties - around 25, 000 killed or wounded and 7,000 captured British and Aliies- around 15, 000 killed or wounded Prussian - around 7,000 killed or wounded Total Casualties - around 47,000 During Napoleonic battles roughly 1 out of 4 casualties were killed or died of wounds soon after so- 47,000 divided by 4 computes to 11750. So the answer to your question is roughly under 12000 French, British, Allied and Prussian soldiers were killed or died of wounds at the Battle of Waterloo. Please see John Etling's "Swords Around A Throne" for further reading.

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North Vietnam fought alone (other than South Vietnamese communists known as the VC). North Vietnam was supplied by USSR/Communist China with war equipment.

How did that single event start world war 1?

well franz ferdinand was the air to the austrian hungary empire (aliies with germany) and he was shot by serbirians called the black hand so the a+h decided to attack serbiea with germany but serbiea had russia then it all sparked off

In the World War 2 who were our allies?

USA, Great Britain, and France, Poland, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the Union of South Africa and Yugoslavia were all the countrys on the aliies side

When did world war 2 begin and end and which countries won?

World War Two started in Europe in 1939. in America it started in 1941. After the attac on Pearl Harbor. It ended in 1945, The Aliies(America, Great Britain, France, etc.) WON!!! I'm 12 years old and studied WWII

What was the potsdam conference and why was it not successful?

The postdam conference was between the Aliies and USSR (on July 1945) . Discussing the German question, and how should Germany be treated. However, it did not end successfully because the allies (mainly the USA) and the USSR disagreed upon how the German government & economy and politics should be handled and set up. the USSR wanted Germany to have a communist government and planned economy, while the USSR had the opposite. So, the conference ended with no agreement, only further hostility. Also they discussed the issue of attacking Japan.

What happened in Russia during the World War 1?

It fought against Germany-AustroHungary. The rise of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks established a Communist government which was attacked by the old regime (White Russian) forces supported by Britain ad France, which ensured the World War extended past its official end date of 1918 to 1921 in the Russian east.

How did America react to the Berlin Wall?

President Truman responded to the blockade by sending planeloads of much-needed supplies to West Berlin. For more information on the Berlin Airlift consult the online Truman Library and Museum by following the link to the left.

What caused the US to declare war on Germany?

The United States new after Nazi Germany took over France that they would have to be invloved in the war, Great Britain would be alone with no help. Great Britain resisted the invasion and also succeeded. Also after Pearl Harbor the U.S declared war on Japan and its Aliies.

How many soldiers died at the Battle of Waterloo?

French Casualties - around 25, 000 killed or wounded and 7,000 captured British and Aliies- around 15, 000 killed or wounded Prussian - around 7,000 killed or wounded Total Casualties - around 47,000 During Napoleonic battles roughly 1 out of 4 casualties were killed or died of wounds soon after so- 47,000 divided by 4 computes to 11750. So the answer to your question is roughly under 12000 French, British, Allied and Prussian soldiers were killed or died of wounds at the Battle of Waterloo. Please see John Etling's "Swords Around A Throne" for further reading.