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Q: What political fear swept through america from 1917 into the 1920's?
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What were the ramifications of the Russian Revolution for world events in the twentieth century?

The Revolution that swept through Russia from 1917 into the 1920s, leading to the formation of the U.S.S.R., had a profound impact on 20th century America. Just one example of this impact was the Cold War, which defined the basic geo-political situation for several generations of Americans (indeed, for citizens of most of the world's nations) from the 1940s onward.

What political changes swept through Europe during the second half of the twentieth century?

The answer should be in your World Geography textbook.

Is the great awakening an argument?

no it is a religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730 and 1740. It changed colonial religion and it also affected social and political life.

Who did Nero blame for the fire?

Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.

What is the malaspina glacier?

it is a glacier that swept over North America

Which city did black plague sweep through?

It swept through Egypt.

Which civil rights leader is best known for his role in promoting the back to Africa movement that swept the nation in the early 1920s?

Marcus Garvey

What religious movement swept through Europe and the british colonies that laid the foundation for the American revolution?

religious movement swept through europe and the colonies in the mid 1700s

What was the name of the great revival that swept America in the 1700's?

The great awakening

Where are eggs are swept into?

If we are talking about human eggs being swept away at the end of ovulation, The egg exits the body with the menstrual flow through the Vagina.

The religous revival that swept through the colonies was called?

The Great Awakening.

What swept through the Roman Empire killing ten percent of the population in the third century AD?

The plague swept through the Roman empire. Some medical writers now think that this "plague" was smallpox.