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Government leaders were more often linked by kinship.

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The end of state support for churches

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Q: What political change was not a result of the American revolution?
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In french which was a major result of the French revolution?

A major result of the French revolution was that the middle class gained political influence.

What was the main result of the American Revolution?

An important immediate result of the American Revolution was that it # led to a rejection of the European political experience. # strengthened the doctrine of nationalism over that of states' rights. # further developed the doctrine of centralization of power. # accelerated the trend toward the abolition of the laws of entail and primogeniture. # established a quasi-mercantilist system of protectionist policies.

What political concept became very popular as a result of the glorious revolution?

Civil rights is the political concept that became popular as a result of the glorious revolution. The Glorious revolution occurred in 1688.

Which of the following is not true of the Mexican American war?

It came about as a result of a revolution in California.

What were two reforms that were a result of the Mexican Revolution?

There were two reforms that occurred as a result of the Mexican revolution. These reforms were economical and political reconstruction of central authority.

What result led to the American Revolution?

Ya mum!!

What did the Iranian revolution result in 1978?

repression of political and religious groups by the Shah

Did the American revolution happen in result of the french revolution?

No it happened the other way around.

What was the cause of the American revolution from 1763-1776?

The American revolution was political upheaval in American which started from 1765 and continued till 1783. As a result of this 13 states broke away from British rule and constituted Second Continental Congress and fought for independence with British. The reason behind the so-called revolution was autocratic rule of British and change in thinking of American populace and their in-satisfaction with the high handed behavior of British authorities , taxation without elected representation and Britain's refusal to allow civil liberties to people in America.

What was the Revolution of 1905 about?

The other name used for the revolution of 1905 is Viva La Resistance. This revolution occurred in Russia and lasted for just over 2 years.

What was a result of the egalitarian movement of the American revolution?

you have to make it be good not bad

What was result of the American revolution?

The United States was formed as a separate nation.