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Q: What policy was adopted by the United States after world war 2 to prevent the spread of communism?
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During the Cold War this policy was adopted by the United states to keep communism from spreading?

The US adopted a policy called 'containment'

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The United States wanted to prevent communism from spreading.

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The goal was to prevent the spread of communism.

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Nova Net Review Test Answer: To provent the spread of Communism in Asia.

Why did the Unites States support South Vietnam rather than North Vietnam after the French left?

The United States wanted to prevent communism from spreading.

What did the practice of the containment mean?

That the United States intended to stop communism from spreading

Which pair of lands was separated by Communism?

Czechoslovakia was split into the Czech Republic an Slovakia because of communism.

Why did the US moved in early to prevent the unification of Vietnam?

The United States did not want Communism to spread. Until then, Communism had been spreading by conquest and the United States did not want another country conquered by the Communists. The theory by the United States did not work. The Communists conquered South Vietnam. Then Communists conquered Cambodia. Cambodia would be the last country where the government was overthrown by a Communist revolution. The Communists killed the intelligentsia, which in other countries had been the main supporters of Communism. Without its traditional supporters, Communism can not spread.

Why did the US invite the marshall plan?

The United States implemented the Marshall Plan to prevent the spread of communism into war weakened countries after World War II.

Why did the United States become involved in vietnam-?

The United States became involved in Vietnam because they wanted to stop communism from happening in that part of Asia.

The containment policy called for the United States to do what?

The containment policy called for the united states to not spread communism abroad.