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Saturn. If you look at the sky after sunset you will see Venus is a bit yellow.

Earth is mostly blue- due to all the water, but has large expanses of other colors including green, brown, and white when you include all the land.

Mercury is closest to grey or brown. Mars is red (hence "the Red Planet"). Jupiter is multicolored but mostly brownish. Uranus is light blue. Neptune is startlingly blue. Pluto is kind of brownish-grey.

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Q: What planet is the yellow planet in the solar system?
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What is plutoniums origin of name?

The name plutonium is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto; dwarf planet Pluto is after planet Neptune in the Solar system and plutonium is after neptunium in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

Why was neptunium named after Neptune?

The planet Neptune is named after a Roman god named Neptune... The chemical element neptunium is in the periodic table after uranium; also the planet Neptune is after Uranus in the Solar system - it is an analogy.

Is the sun made of cheese?

yes, that is why it is yellow and keeps the solar system warm. The sun is making of cheese every morning. Of Edam - sunny day, of Gouda - cloudy.

What is plutonium's name origin or come from?

The name plutonium is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto; dwarf planet Pluto is after planet Neptune in the Solar system and plutonium is after neptunium in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the best thing about planet Uranus?

Uranus (despite the name) is a awesome world. It has been knocked by Earth sized planetesimals and orbits the Sun with a 98 degree angle of axial tilt. It is an "ice giant" planet with ices like ammonia in the upper atmosphere and in its interior. It is also the coldest planet in the solar system. All its moons are named after Shakespearean characters including Miranda and Puck. It was the first planet discovered by telescope and its rings were discovered when they passed in front of a star. It has a lovely green / blue colour and is in my opinion (after Earth) the most beautiful planet in the solar system. I think the best thing about planet Uranus is its discovery with only a "backyard" telescope. So don't dis Uranus!

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Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

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Yes it is, the largest planet in our solar system.

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Venus is the planet with yellow clouds that contain sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid rain is a result of the high concentration of sulfur dioxide in Venus' atmosphere, which creates a greenhouse effect and traps heat, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.

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A planet. The solar system is made up of planets.