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The olive branch

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Q: What petition did the delegates sign as a final attempt to restore harmony?
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Delegates signed what petition as a final attempt to restore harmony?

Olive branch

Delegates signed the what Petition as a final attempt to restore harmony?

The olive branch

What did delegates sign as a final attempt to restore harmony?

im pretty sure that it was the Olive Branch petition that was signed

What did delegates sign as a petition as a final attempt to restore harmony?

The olive branch

What happened after the battle of Lexington concord?

Congress named a Virginian , George Washington , to command the Continental Army, which is the military force that would carry out the fight against Britain. As Washington prepared for the was, the congress pursued peace. On July 5th the delegates signed the Olive Branch Petition, asking the king to restore harmony between Britain and the colonies. King George refused to read it and looked for new way to punish the colonies.

What battle happened after battle of lexington and concord?

Congress named a Virginian , George Washington , to command the Continental Army, which is the military force that would carry out the fight against Britain. As Washington prepared for the was, the congress pursued peace. On July 5th the delegates signed the Olive Branch Petition, asking the king to restore harmony between Britain and the colonies. King George refused to read it and looked for new way to punish the colonies.

How Can a convicted felon restore their rights to firearms in Arziona?

File a petition with the US Attorney for your area.

How did President Hoover attempt to restore confidence?

declaring that the depression had ended

How do you restore a felons gun rights in wi?

Start by hiring an attorney to file a petition for restoration of rights.

The boxer rebellion was an attempt by chinese revolutionaries to do what?

restore the Manchu dynasty to power.

What organization used terrorist tactics in attempt to restore white supremecy after the civil war?

One of the White Supremacist organizations that used terrorist actions in an attempt to restore White Supremacy after the Civil War was the Ku Klux Klan.

Why did many of the teaching of Confucius on the family?

There are basic guidelines that Confucius thought would restore family order and social harmony