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probably the Apple ][.

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Q: What personal computer became the first sought-after home appliance?
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What did Blaise Paschal do with the computer?

He became the start of the development of the personal computer.

How did the computer use change during the 1990?

Computers became common in homes.

Who persone create computer?

No one person created the personal computer Many different companies developed different computer designs that gradually became known as personal computers. There is no agreement on what was the first personal computer, although the Commodore PET was the first mass-marketed complete personal computer, and the Apple II the most widely successful early personal computer.

What are the benefits of a laptop computer?

A laptop is a portable personal computer that first became feasible in 1971. The benefits of laptops are their portability, energy savings, storage and capability.

What men's grooming appliance became a sled for Santa?

An electric shaver if I remember correctly .

What men's grooming appliance became a sled for Santa commercials of the sixties?

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When was the first model of Amiga computers launched?

The Amiga is a family of personal computers. The first model was launched in 1985 as a high-end home computer. It became popular for its graphical, audio, and mulch-tasking abilities.

What became the source of Twain's creative imagination?

his personal past

LG has always referred to liquid gas in the mechanical world so why the ready acceptance and usage of LG for Lucky Goldstar simply as an appliance brand when it can easily lead to confusion?

LG became a common reference to an appliance brand rather than an appliance type due to the global economic culture which places economic recognition above domestic language traditions.

Where can one purchase a PC IBM online?

The IBM company originally created their personal computer in 1981. Since then, the term PC became known as any personal computer compatible with the standards that started with the IBM personal computer line. Due to their age and rarity, obtaining an original IBM PC is very difficult, and online purchases are typically not available, however offline auctions may suffice. To purchase a modern PC, any number of manufacturers exist, and a large market has sprung up for home-built PCs as well.

Why is the TSUBAME computer called everybody's computer?

Because it became the fastest and the largest supercomputer in Asia----Kary.