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no one really knows the exact person but they do know that the idea came along when a emperor needed religious scripts printed

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Q: What person invented block printing in ancient china?
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What invention helped make literature more available and more popular in ancient China?

The Chinese invented both paper and the technique for book-binding.

How was block printing used in the middle ages?

Block printing was done by using individual letter 'stamps' to create pages of writing without any need for handwriting. Block printing is the direct predecessor to the pruinting press, which used printing blocks arranged and then (using a wine press) printing pages at a time. The printing press is the predecessor of modern day printers.

What are two other inventions that came from ancient China besides block printing?

Rockets, gunpowder (and weapons that use it), silk, folding umbrella, oolong tea, and the compass!

What is the name of the inventor of the printing machine?

Gutenberg's printing press, 1430s. Movable block printing was invented before Gutenburg in China. Before that, block printing (using blocks of wood) may have started as early as the eighth century, particular to Japan, and China. Still, the method of block printing could hardly be classified as a mechanical press.AnswerThe Guttenberg PressAround 1455, a German craftsman named Johannes Guttenberg finished printing The Holy Bible on a new kind of printing press.The Guttenburg press used movable type which allowed him to easily compose words and sentences. Before then, documents had to be copied by hand or carved into wood.Guttenberg's invention brought a cultural revolution to the Western world, making books available to many more people, and creating an explosion in learning and commerce.

Did Chinese invent printing press or Gutenberg?

Although invented by the Chinese long ago, the printing press is considered to be created by Johannes Gutenburg. Many people expanded upon the press before Gutenburg perfected it until it was able to work

Related questions

When was the printing block invented?

The printing block was invented in China around the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty. This early form of printing involved carving characters into wood blocks for reproduction.

Who invanted block printing?

The Chinese invented block printing. However, some say that the Koreans invented it, and the Chinese just improved it.

What kind kind of printing was invented by the tang Chinese?

Block printing.

What invention helped make literature more available and more popular in ancient China?

The Chinese invented both paper and the technique for book-binding.

What year was block printing invented?

Between the years 1438-1455

Why was block printing invented?

because the Chinese used it to print paper money.

Who invented wood-block printing?

The Chinese created. Ching Chong.

What was ink used for in ancient China?

It was used for art and block printing, as well as caligraphy.

Who are famous block printing artists?

Although ylindrical seals were used to imprint clay tablets in Mesopotamia as early as 3,000 BCE, actual block printing was estimated to officially have been invented sometime before 220 CE. Many believe that the Chinese invented block printing, some historians credit the Koreans for the original invention; the Chinese might have adapted the system from the Koreans.

What was the name of the person who made the block printing?

i dont know but i do know who created the printing press. it was Johanne Gutenberg

What kinds of printing was invented by the Tang Chinese that made it possible for books to be made available to the masses?

The block printing press was invented by the Tang Chinese that made it possible for books to be made available to the masses.

Who invented the technique of block printing?

some one name brian kamoo invented block writing. He had 11 children and 3 wifes. his brothers name was brando kamoo and they live together